Hey! Hello! win two Pure Rawk awards

Hey! Hello! won two awards at 2014’s Pure Rawk awards. The project was successful in the Video of the Year and Release Artwork of the Year categories.

Pure Rawk awards for Best Artwork and Best Video

The amazing Hey! Hello! artwork was created by Frank Kozik. When we asked the legendary Frank Kozik to design the front cover of our album, we never expected him to reply let alone say yes! Given a brief of ‘colourful, cute but ever so slightly sinister’, Frank created this hand-drawn masterpiece.

Video of the Year was for Swimwear, filmed by Derek Doublin in LA. The video was filmed in one day and for the special FX, the individual frames were printed out onto over 3,000 sheets of recycled paper. Each piece of paper was then crushed, shredded, burned, chewed up, spit out, sunburned, sandblasted, scratched, stained, torn and taped. Each sheet was then painstakingly recaptured frame by frame and reinserted into the video, juxtaposed against footage from a Red Epic camera. A mammoth task as you can see from the production still below!

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